Chapter 1 ||| Chapter 2 ||| Chapter 3 ||| Chapter 4 ||| Chapter 5 ||| Chapter 6 ||| Chapter 7 ||| Chapter 8 ||| Chapter 9 ||| Chapter 10
Chapter 11 ||| Chapter 12 ||| Chapter 13 ||| Chapter 14 ||| Chapter 15 ||| Chapter 16 ||| Chapter 17 ||| Chapter 18 ||| Chapter 19 ||| Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ||| Chapter 22 ||| Chapter 23 ||| Chapter 24 ||| Chapter 25 ||| Chapter 26 ||| ||| ||| |||

Itaque aperiunt omnem rem, uti cognoverant, Quinto

Therefore they diselose all the thing, as they had known (it), to Quintus


Fabio Sangae, patrocinio cujus civitas utebatur

Fabius Sanga, the patronage of whom the state did use


plurimum. Cicero, consilio cognito per

very-much, Cicero, the design having been known through


Sangam, praecipit legatis, ut simulent

Sanga, orders to (the) deputies, that they may pretend (to pretend)


vehementer studium conjurationis;

vehemently a zeal of (for) the conspiracy; may (to)


adeant caeteros; polliceantur bene,

go-to the rest [of the conspirators]; may (to) promise well,


que dent operam, ut habeant eos

and may (to) give exertion, [assurance], that they may have them


quam maxume manifestos.

as most manifest (convicted). [As avowed participants in the conspiracy],


Motus erat fere iisdem

A commotion was almost in the same


temporibus, in citeriore atque ulteriore Gallia,

times (time), in hither and farther Gaul,


item in Piceno agro, Bruttio, Apulia. Namque

also in the Picene land, in Bruttium, Apulia. For


illi quos Catilina dimiserat antea agere

they whom Catiline had sent-off [before] (began) to do


cuncta simul inconsulte, ac veluti

all (things) at-the-same-time inconsiderately, and as-if


per dementiam: effecerant plus timoris

through madness: they had effected more of fear


quam periculi nocturnis conciliis, portationibus

than of danger by nightly councils, by conveyances.


armorum atque telorum, festinando, agitando

of arms and of weapons, by hastening, by agitating


omnia. Quintus Metellus Celer, caussa. cognita,

all (things). Quintus Metellua Celer, the cause being known,


conjecerat complures ex eo numero in vincula,

had cast many of that number [into prison],


ex consulto senatas. Caius Murena item,

according-to a decree of the senate. Caius Murena (did) likewise,


in citeriore Gallia, qui legatus praeerat ei

in hither Gaul, who (as) lieutenant was-over to that


provinciae, At Lentulus cum caeteris,

[presided over that] province, But Lentulus with the others,


qui erant principes conjurationis, magnis copiis

who were chiefs of the conspiracy, great forces


paratis Romae, uti videbatur, constituerat,

having been prepared at Rome, as it did appear, had appointed,


uti cum Catilina venisset cum exercitu

that when Catiline might have come (had come) with an army


in Faesulanum agrum, Lucius Bestia, tribunus

into the Faesulan land, Lucius Bestia, tribune


plebis, concione habita, quereretur de

of the commons, an assembly being held, should complain of


actionibus Ciceronis, que imponeret invidiam

the proceedings of Cicero, and place the odium


gravissimi belli optumo oonsuli;

of (this) most-serious war to (on) the most-excellent consule


eo signo, proxuma nocte, caetera multitudo

by that sign (signal), [the nexe night], the remaining multitud


conjurationis exsequeretur quisque suum negotium.

[of the conspiracy] should execute each his-own business (part).


Sed ea dicebantur divisa hoc modo,

But those (parts) were said (to be) divided in this manner,


uti Statilius et Gabinius, cum magna manu,

that Statilius and Gabinius, with a great band,


incenderent duodecim opportuna loca urbis

should set-fire-to twelve opportune places of the city


simul, quo tumultu facilior aditus fieret

at-the-same-time, in which tumult an easier acceess might be made


ad consulem, que caeteros quibus insidiae parabantur.

to the consul, and the others for whom snares were prepared.


Cethegus obsideret januam Ciceronis, que

[That] Cethegus should block-up the gate of Cicero, and


aggrederetur eum vi ; autem alius

should attack him with force; but another (should attack)


alium: sed filii familiarum, quorum maxuma pars

another: but the sons of families of whom the greatest part


erat ex nobilitate, interficerent parentes:

was of the nobility, should murder (their) parents;


simul omnibus perculsis eaede et incendio,

at the-same-time all being stricken by slaughter and by burning,


erumperent ad Catilinam. Inter haec

they should burst-forth (sally) to Catiline. Among these


parata atque decreta, Cethegus querebatur

prepared (preparations) and determinations, Cethegus did ccmplain


semper de ignavia. sociorum: illos

always of the remissness or (his) associates: [that] those


corrumpere magnas opportunitates

to corrupt (mar) [did mar] great opportunities


dubitando et prolatando dies;

by hesitating and deferring days [and putting off the time for executing the plot]


esse opus in tali periculo, facto

to be need in such danger, for deed


non consulto: que se, si pauci

not for deliberation : and [that] himself, If a few


adjuvarent, aliis languentibus, facturum

would assist, others being-remiss, about-to-make [wouId make]


impetum in curiam. Erat natura ferox,

an attack against the senate-house, He was by nature fierce,


vehemens, promptus manu; putabat maxumum

vehement, ready in hand (action); he did think the greatest


bonum in celeritate. Sed Allobroges conveniunt

good (to be) in despatch, But the Allobroges assemble (meet)


caeteros per Gabinium, ex praecepto

the rest through Gabinius, according-to the directions


Ciceronis: postulant jusjura.ndum, quod perferant

of Cicero: they require an oath, Which they may carry


signatum ad civis (cives), ab Lentulo,

sealed to the citizens [of their state], from Lentulus,


Cethego, Statilio, item Cassio: eos haud

Cethegus, Statilius, also from Cassius: [that] those not


posse facile impelli aliter ad tantum

to be-able [could not] easily to be impelled otherwise so-great


negotium. Caeteri, suspicantes nihil, dant; Cassius

an affair. The others, suspecting nothing, give (it): Cassius


pollicetur semet venturum brevi eo, ac proficiscitur

promises himself about-to-come shortly [there], and sets-out


ex urbe paulo ante legatos. Lentulus mittit

from the city a little before the ambassadors, Lentulus sends


quemdam Titum Volturcium, Crotoniensem, cum his,

certain Titus Volturcium, a Crotonian, with these,


ut Allobroges confirmarent societatem cum Catilina,

that the Allobroges might strengthen the alliance with Catiline,


priusquam pergerent domum, fide

before-that they might proceed home, faith (pledges of honour]


data atque accepta. Ipse dat literas

having been given and received. He gives letters (an epistle)


Voturcio ad Catilinam, exemplum quarum est

to Volturcius for Catiline, a copy of which is


scriptum infra.

written beneath.