Chapter 1 ||| Chapter 2 ||| Chapter 3 ||| Chapter 4 ||| Chapter 5 ||| Chapter 6 ||| Chapter 7 ||| Chapter 8 ||| Chapter 9 ||| Chapter 10
Chapter 11 ||| Chapter 12 ||| Chapter 13 ||| Chapter 14 ||| Chapter 15 ||| Chapter 16 ||| Chapter 17 ||| Chapter 18 ||| Chapter 19 ||| Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ||| Chapter 22 ||| Chapter 23 ||| Chapter 24 ||| Chapter 25 ||| Chapter 26 ||| ||| ||| |||

Discerneres hand facile an parceret minus

You could not determine easily, whether she could spare less


pecuniae an famae ; sic accensa. lubidine ut

to money or character; so inflamed with lust that


peteret viros saepius quam peteretur.

she would seek men oftener than she would be sought (by them).


Sed ea saepe antehac prodiderat fidem, abjuraverat

But she often before-this had betrayed faith, had forsworn


creditum, fuerat conscia caedis, abierat

credit (trust), had been guilty of murder, had gone


praeceps luxuria atque inopia, Verum

headlong [into ruin] by luxury and by want. But


ingenium eius hand absurdum:

the understaoding of her (was) not foolish (despicable):


posse facere versus, movere jocum ;

to be-able [she could] to make verses, to move (excite) jest;


uti vel modesto, vel molli, vel procaci sermone.

to use either modest, or delicate, or wanton discourse


Prorsus, multae facetiae que multus lepos inerat

Altogether, many pleasantries and much wit was-in her.


His rebus comparatis, Catilina nihilominus

Those things having been provided, Catiline nevertheless


petebat consulatum in proxumum annum; sperans,

did seek the consulship for the next year; hoping,


si foret designatus, se usurum facile

if he might be elected, [that] himself about-to-use easily


Antonio ex voluntate.

(would easily manage) Antony according-to (his) will


Neque interea erat quietus, sed parabat insidias

Neither mean-time was-he quiet, but did prepare snares


Ciceroni omnibus modis. Tamen, dolus aut astutiae

for Cicen in all manners, However, craft or wiles


neque-deerant illi ad-cavendum. Namque a

were-not-wanting to him to-beware. For from


principio sui consulatus, effecerat, pollicendo

the beginning of his consulship, he had effected, by promising


multa per Fulviam, ut Quintus Curius, de

many (things) through Fulvia, that Quintus CUriUI, of


quo memoravi paulo ante, proderet consilia

whom I have recorded (spoken) a little before, might betray the designs


Catilinae sibi. Ad-hoc perpulerat suum collegam

of Catiline to him. Besides he had forced his colleague


Antonium pactione provinciae,

Antony by the agreement [promise] of a province,


ne-sentiret contra rempublicam:

that he would not-feel (entertain ill-will) against the republic:


habebat occulte praesidia amicorum atque clientium

he did have secretly guards of friends and dependants


circum se. Postquam dies comitiorum venit, et

about himself. When the day of electlons came, and


neque petitio Catilinae, neque insidiae quas fecerat

neither the suit or Catiline, nor the snares which he had made


consuli cessere prospere, constituit facere bellum

for the consul resulted favourably, he resolved to make war


et experiri omnia extrema, quoniam, quae

and to try all extreme (things), since, what (things)


tentaverat occulte, evenerant aspera que oeds,

be had tried secretly, had happened rough and disgraceful.


Igitur dimisit Caium Manlium Faesulas,

therefore he dismissed (sent) Caius Manlius (to) Faesulae,


atque in eam partem Etruriae, quemdam Septimium,

and to that part or Etruria, a certain Septimius,


Camertem in Picenum agrum, Caium Julium in

a Camertian to the Picene land, Caius Julius to


Apuliam, praeterea alium alio, quem que ubi

Apulia, moreover another to-another-place, whom and where


credebat fore opportunum sibi. Interea

he did believe to-be-about-to-be suitable to himself. Mean-time


moliri multa. Romre simul:

(he began) to contrive many (things) at Rome at-the-same-time


tendere insidias consuli; parare incendia;

to lay snares for the consul; to prepare burnings;


obsidere opportuna loca armatis hominibus :

to block-up convinent places with armed men:


ipse esse cum telo, item jubere alios,

himself to be with a weapon, also to order others, [he himself was


hortari uti essent

armed, and ordered others to be so, to exhort that they might be


semper intenti que parati; festinare dies que

always intent and prepared; to hasten days and


noctes; vigilare;

nights ] [he was actively employed day and night); to watch;


fatigari neque insomniis (pl.) neque labore.

to be fatigued neither by-want-of-sleep nor by labour.


Postremo, ubi nihil procedit agitanti multa,

Finally, when nothing suceeds [with him) projecting many


rursus convocat principes conjurationis

(things), again he assembles the chiefs of the conspiracy


intempesta nocte, per Marcum Porcium Laecam,

in untimely night, through Marcus Porcius Laeca,


que ibi questus multa de ignavia eorum,

and there having complained many (much) of the indolence of them,


docet se praemisisse Manlium

he informs (them) himself to-have-sent-before (despatched) Manliu.


ad eam multitudinem, quam paraverat ad arma

to that multitude, which he had prepared to arms


capiunda; item alios in alia opportuna

to-be-taken (to take arms); also others to other convenient


loca, qui facerent initium belli; que se

places, who might make (to make) a beginning of war; and himself


cupere proficisci ad exercitum, si

to desire [that be desired] to-set-out to the army, if he might


oppressisset Ciceronem prius: eum

have (had) destroyed Cicero before: him (Cicero)


officere multum suis consiliis.

to obstruct much to his designs. [If he could destroy Cicero before



he departed, as Cicero obstructed him much in his desigs] Therefore,


caeteris perterritis ac dubitantibus, Caius

the rest having been affrightened and hesitating, Caius


Cornelius, Romanus eques, pollicitus suam operam,

Cornelius, a Roman knight, having promised [his) assistance,


et cum eo Lucius Vargunteius, senator,

and with him Lueius Vargunteius, a senator, [they)


constituere ea. nocte paulo post, introire cum

appointed on that night a little after, to go-in with


armatis hominibus ad Ciceronem, sicuti salutatum,

armed men to Cicero, as [if] to salute


et confodere de-improviso imparatum,

[him], and to stab on-a-sudden (him) unprepared,


suae domi. Curius, ubi intelligit quantum

at his-own house. Ourius, when he understands how-great


periculum impendeat consuli, propere enunciat

danger may depend (impends) to the coosul, hastily declares


Ciceroni per Fulviam, dolum qui parabatur. Ita

to Cicero through Fulvia, the plot which was prepared. Thus


illi prohibiti janua, susceperant tantum

they having been prohbited from the gate, had-undertaken so-great


facinus frustra. Interea Manlius solicitare

a crime in-vain, Mean-time Manlius (began) to solicit


plebem in Etruria, cupidam

(excite to insurrection) the commonalty in Etruria, desirous


novarum rerum simul egestate, ac

of new things (a revolution) at-the-same-time from want, and


dolore injuriae: quod amiserat

resentment of injury: because (the common people) had lost (their)


agros que omnia bona dominatione Sullae;

lands and all (their) goods by the usurpation or Sylla;


praeterea latrones cujuscunque generis, quorum

moreover robbera of every kind, or whom


magna copia erat in ea regione, nonnullos

a great plenty (number) was in that region, [also] some


ex Sullanis colonis, quibus lubido atque luxuria

of the Syllanian colonists, to whom lust and luxury


fecerant nihil reliqui ex magnis rapinis.

made nothing, remaining (left nothing) out-of great plunders.