Chapter 1 ||| Chapter 2 ||| Chapter 3 ||| Chapter 4 ||| Chapter 5 ||| Chapter 6 ||| Chapter 7 ||| Chapter 8 ||| Chapter 9 ||| Chapter 10
Chapter 11 ||| Chapter 12 ||| Chapter 13 ||| Chapter 14 ||| Chapter 15 ||| Chapter 16 ||| Chapter 17 ||| Chapter 18 ||| Chapter 19 ||| Chapter 20
Chapter 21 ||| Chapter 22 ||| Chapter 23 ||| Chapter 24 ||| Chapter 25 ||| Chapter 26 ||| ||| ||| |||

Paulus Plautia lege: postremo, venit in senatum,

Paulus (on) the Plautian law: lastly, he came into the senate,


causa dissimulandi, et quasi sui

by cause (for the sake) of dissembling, and as-it-were of-himself


expurgandi; sicuti lacessitus-foret

to be-cleared (clearing himself); as-though be might be provoked (was


jurgio. Tum Marcus Tullius consul, sive timens

provoked) by defamation. then Marcus Tullins the consul, either fearing


praesentiam ejus sive commotus ira, habuit

the presence of him or being excited by anger, had (delivered)


orationem luculentam atque utilem reipublicae, quam

a speech brilliant and useful to the republic, which


postea edidit scriptam. Sed ubi ille assedit,

afterwards he published written. But when he sat-down,


Catilina, ut paratus-erat ad omnia dissimulanda

Catiline, as he had been prepared for all (things) to-be-dissembled


demisso vultu que

(to dissemble all things) (began) with down-cast countenance and


supplici voce postulare a Patribus

suppliant voice to request from the Fathers (senate) (that)


ne-crederent temere quid de se ;

they might not believe rashly any (thing) concerning him;


ortum ea familia, ita instituisse

(being) sprung from that (such) family, so to have regulated (his)


vitam ab adolescentia, ut haberet omnia bona

life from adolescence, that he might have all good


in spe: ne-existumarent opus esse sibi,

(things) in hope: they should not-think need to be to him,


patricio homini, beneficia cujus ipsius atque

a patrician man, the favors or whom self and (his)


majorum essent plurima in Romanam

ancestors might be (were) very-many toward the Roman


plebem, republica perdita;

commons, (of) the republic destroyed (of destroying the republic),


cum Marcus Tullius, inquilinus civis Romae,

when Marcus Tullius, an alien (adventitious) citizen of Roma,


servaret eam. Ad-huc, cum adderet alia

would preserve it. Moreover, when he would add other


maledicta; omnes obstrepere, vocare hostem

reviling.; and began) to interrupt, to call (him) an enemy


atque parricidam. Tum ille furibundus, inquit,

and parricide. Then he raging, says,


"Quoniam quidem circumventus agor praeceps

"Since indeed beset I am driven headlong


ab inimicis, extinguam meum incendium

by (my) enemies, I wlll extinguish my burning [destruction]


ruina." Dein proripuit se domum ex

by (univeral) ruin," Then he hurried himself home out-of


curia: ipse volvens multa secum ibi,

the senate-house; he revolving many (things) with himself there,


quod neque insidiae consuli procedebant,

because neither the stratagems for [against] the consul did succeed,


et intelligebat urbem munitam ab incendio

and he did understand the city (to be) secured from fire


vigiliis, credens optumum factu augere

by watches, beleiving (it) best to be done to increase (his)


exercitum, ac ante-capere multa quae forent

army, and to anticipate many (things) which might be


usui bello prius-quam legiones scriberentur,

to advantage for war before-that the legions should be levied,


profectus-est intempesta nocte cum paucis in

he set-out in untimely (very-late) night with a few into


Manliana castra. Sed mandat, Cethego, atque

the Manlian camp. But he commands to Cethegus, and


Lentulo que caeteris, promptam andaciam quorum

Lentulus and others, the ready boldness of whom


cognoverat, confirment opes

he had known, (that) they may strengthen (to strengthen) the resoureces


factionis quibus rebus possent, maturent

of the faction by what things your might be-able, may hasten


insidias consuli, parent caedem,

(to hasten) snares for the consul, may prepare (to prepare) slaughter,


incendia, que alia facinora belli: sese

burnings, and other cruel-deeds of war: himself (to be)


accessurum propediem cum magno exercitu

about-to-approach shortly with a great army


ad urbem. Dum haec geruntur Romae,

to the city. While those (things) are carried-on at Rome,


Caius Manlius mittit legatos ex suo numero

Caius Manliua sends ambasaadors out-of his-own number


ad Quintum Martium Regem cum mandatis hujusce­modi

Quintus Martius Rex with commands of this kind.