A Blackout List

Creating a Blackout List is usually not needed, but occasionally, when you are
doing something like working with two different languages, you will find that
certain things are being colored that should not be colored.

At that point you may want to consider creating a Blackout List, to remove the
unwanted colors. In this case, what you would be doing is changing at least one
of the ten colors you have to black, and creating a search that finds the instances
that you need to change to black and returning them to the black color.

Seveal things to keep in mind here are, first, you can use the pipe symbol "|" by
clicking on it to the left of the Find text box after each word you enter, and
every word you enter will be turned black.

Second, you can avoid needing to use the Blackout List quite often by using the
Suffix and Prefix radio buttons on the lower right, so that your search is more
specific, as opposed to the replace all selection.

Third, do not forget that you have the [Boundary Marker] buttons that can insert boundary markers (¦¦¦) to cordon off small sections of the text, so the find replace will only occur in the areas you have marked off!