About Tachufind

Tachufind was created with one thing in mind:
To allow a user to quickly make the text of any type of document that they are studying much easier to comprehend, using tools like coloring text, rapid find methods, allowing a user to find the first occurrence of a word with the click of a button, the last occurrence of a word, (often a dictionary at the end of the document), search for the next, or previous occurrence of a word from the current cursor position, it allows the user to mark off a section and do color-find-replace exclusively in that section, and many other features that allow the user to quickly gain an understanding of the text. Tachufind was first conceived in 2010, while the author of it was perusing a book on the Ancient Greek language. Ancient Greek has a reputation of being one of the most difficult languages to learn. Yet the author, after understanding that Ancient Greek had both prefixes and suffixes, thought that it would be a wonderful thing if we could use colors to make these suffixes and prefixes stand out. And thus, was born, the idea that brought Tachufind into existence.